Join the Prospectors and Miners Association of Victoria
The main aims of the Prospectors and Miners Association of Victoria are set out in the Code of Conduct page of this website.
THANK YOU for joining the PMAV!
Individual and/or Family AUD$ 50.00
Individual Pensioner & or Family AUD$ 30.00
Corporate AUD$ 140.00
The aims or purposes listed are incorporated into the Rules of the Association as registered under the Associations Incorporation Act.
The Association has been established since 1980 and the membership consists of a complete cross-section of the mining community, ranging from hobbyists to professional miners engaged in everything from panning, sluicing and detecting, to smaller scale underground mines.
The Association has branches throughout the state whose members are always willing to offer advice and assistance to newbies or experienced operators.
The eight branches hold regular meetings and weekend field trips with a wide variety of prospecting, mining and historical themes.
Membership of the Association will ensure that you are kept aware of what is happening and supporting a body that will not tolerate the theft of the individual right and heritage to prospect, fossick and mine in the State of Victoria.
While membership numbers are extremely healthy we need every single prospector and miner to join and support our efforts.
PMAV membership is cheap. Where else do you get a quality publication (the Eureka Echo), your representations to Government for your occupation or hobby, public relations, legislative watchdog role, problem solving, liaison with all and sundry, field days, various discounts, entry to the annual AGM meeting with our auction of over $30,000 in items and access to the ‘Members only’ section etc.