Welcome to the PMAV!
Established in 1980, the Prospectors and Miners Association of Victoria is a voluntary body created to protect the rights and opportunities of those who wish to prospect, fossick or mine in the State of Victoria, Australia.
Education and Respect of heritage and goldfield communities foremost,
Our access to public forests and crown land in Victoria has been constantly under threat from agencies and groups since 1980, when goldfields and public land were under threat from first being locked away.
The PMAV was formed to fight against such closures. At its inaugural meeting in Castlemaine, over 900 prospectors turned up to show their support.
Like the diggers at Eureka Ballarat in 1854, we proudly seek to uphold the rights and privileges won through their courage in the face of over governance and persecution.
The PMAV knows that prospecting and mining means many things to many different people and without such, rural communities would suffer socially and economically.
Prospecting and mining could be for you, a weekend away with family or mates, exercise for your body and mind, a generational life past on from your ancestors or a job if your lucky enough to risk it all. How we all are the same is that connection to the land and the thrill of the chase!
Many of our branches are there to help grow your skills with monthly social and field trip days and weekends.
Please join us and in turn keep access to these goldfields open for one and all.
The primary aims of the Association are in part:
(a) To uphold and advance the heritage, rights and privileges of individual holders of Miner’s Rights in the State of Victoria to fossick, prospect and mine anywhere in Victoria within the provisions of the Mineral Resources Development Act 1991;
(b) To make submissions to the Crown, Parliament, Members of Parliament, Statutory bodies, Local Government and the like, on matters affecting fossicking, prospecting, mining, and treatment.
(c) To assist individual members of the Association to take advantage of the heritage, rights and privileges conferred by the Miner’s Right, and generally to support and advise members.
The PMAV is an apolitical organisation and the committee is elected to represent all members not just those of a particular political persuasion.
We are in short a political lobby group but without a political ideology of our own. If your political party supports the right to prospect in Victoria, they will have the PMAV support and its members.
The PMAV has a central governing committee based in Melbourne and eight branches throughout Victoria.
These branches organise field trip days on private and crown land, social events, guest speakers etc.
Branches are a great way to hone your prospecting skills with many members happy to share their knowledge of the area and equipment.
For further details refer to the page titled, Our Branches.

The PMAV is a voluntary organisation which relies on memberships and donations. With eight branches across Victoria, take advantage of field trip and social days, Echo magazine, raffles and give-aways.
Come for awhile, stay for the community.
Your right to prospect and land access is constantly under threat from being locked away.
Becoming a member is one way to stop this. Learn how to take action today.
Latest News
Links to Facebook posts, AGM Slideshow, Photo Gallery, News and Articles about your access and public land loss and lock-ups etc
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Follow them on YouTube for some amazing graphical stories on life and death in the Goldfields of Old!